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The form below will help us to shape the future courses, reflect your priorities and deliver meaningful content to our students.

As we value your feedback so much we will send you an e-learning voucher once the first module is released and this can be redeemed at any point towards the cost of your tuition.

    Valve UserPurchasing ProfessionalResellerValve Sales ProfessionalApprenticeEmployer


    Very HardHardEasyVery Easy

    LikelyNot Likely

    under £50£50 to £100£100 to £250£250 to £500

    The following Valve Academy courses are under development. Which courses would you be most interested in? (Select all which apply)

    Valves FundamentalsValves PractitionerValves AdvancedActuation FundamentalsActuation PractitionerActuation AdvancedControls FundamentalsControls PractitionerControls Advanced